Roles and Responsibilities
Chair Typical Responsibilities:
- Support the efficient running of the club
- Chairing regular committee meetings and the Annual General Meetings (AGM)
- Helping others to understand their roles and responsibilities
- Recruiting new committee members, taking into consideration skills, experience and diversity
- Communicating with various members within the club
- Being actively involved in creating and following a Club Development Plan
- Representing the club at local and regional events
- Assist the club to fulfill its responsibilities to safeguard children at club level
- Ensuring an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the club to which the Club complies
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Head Coach Typical Responsibilities:
- To take full responsibility for the club’s junior coaching sessions at Belmont or The Hereford Academy
- To maintain high ethical standards in coaching/instructing, ensure they keep up-to-date with their knowledge, skills and qualifications and prepare all sessions in advance
- To undertake training appropriate to the role e.g. child protection training
- To work with other coaches in the preparation and running of each session
- To attend junior club meetings and report on progress
- To offer the club feedback on the organisation and degree of success of junior coaching and competitions
- To assist in the selection of teams
- To travel to competitions with the junior team(s)
- To inform the Junior Coordinator in advance of any sessions that cannot be attended
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Secretary Typical Responsibilities:
- Being the first point of contact for club enquiries
- Organising and attending key meetings (including Annual General Meetings)
- Taking and distributing minutes
- Delegating tasks to club members
- Dealing with all correspondence
- Attending to affiliations
- Ensuring insurance is up to date and relevant
- Maintaining up to date records and reference files
- Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Team Coach Typical Responsibilities
- Ensure all members of team are informed of training arrangements
- Inform the team of travel and meeting arrangements for home and away matches
- Work with the coaches to recruit players and athletes to represent the club
- Encourage players to conduct themselves in a professional manner and represent the club with pride at all times
- Ensure that players/athletes do not bring the sport into disrepute
- Liaise with coaches regarding logistics and kit arrangements for competitions
- Deal with team/athlete entry into competitions
- Attend committee meetings as appropriate
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Treasurer Typical Responsibilities
- Managing the club’s income and expenditure in accordance with club rules
- Producing an end of year financial report
- Identifying a suitable individual to independently review the annual accounts
- Regularly reporting back to the club committee on all financial matters
- Efficient payment of invoices and bills
- Proposing amendments to annual and weekly subscriptions as appropriate
- Depositing cash and cheques that the club receives
- Keeping up to date financial records
- Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interests and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Volunteer Coordinator Typical Responsibilities:
- Get to know all club volunteers and potential volunteers and be their main contact
- Ensure that all volunteers know what they are doing
- Supervise and oversee the role of other volunteers, including their paperwork
- Coordinate the implementation of the volunteer recruitment, training and support plans.
- Recognise and nominate your volunteers for volunteer awards
- Work with the social secretary (if the club has one) to organise social and recruitment events for volunteers
- Attend committee meetings as appropriate
- Arrange mentoring (if appropriate) for relevant volunteers
- Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Welfare Typical Responsibilities:
- Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults at club level
- Assist the club to implement its safeguarding children and vulnerable adults plan at club level
- The first point of contact for everyone where concerns about a children’s or vulnerable adults welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified
- Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
- Maintain contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and local safeguarding children board
- Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of conducts within the club
- Represent welfare on the club’s management committee
- Ensure adherence to the club’s safeguarding children training
- Ensure appropriate confidentiality is maintained
- Promote anti-discriminatory practice
- Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Roles and Responsibilities brief summary
The role of the Chairperson is to oversee the general running of the Club, in keeping with the aims and objectives set out above. They shall manage the Committee, act as chair at Committee meetings, the AGM and EGM as necessary, and ensure that the Club operates smoothly through directing Committee members. The Chairperson is not entitled to a vote at the AGM or EGM, unless votes are tied whereby the Chairperson holds the casting vote. The Chairperson will also be required to take a semi-organisational role, including, but not limited to, developing a strategy (in line with the Body of Members’ vision), writing or delegating responsibility for writing appropriate policy and procedure documents, coordinating the club Annual Report, and setting targets and goals for Committee members. They will also be responsible for ensuring sustainability.
Football Manager
The role of the Football Manager will be to oversee the club’s football affairs, in keeping with the objectives set out above. They will be responsible for taking training sessions, choosing team Captains, ensuring the team are aware of the Laws of the Game, set out by FIFA and adopted by the FAW, maintaining a fixture list and Club selection for matches. They will also be responsible for ensuring players follow the Code of Conduct, set out by the Club. The Football Manager will ensure records of training sessions and matches are kept in line with Club policy, and produce reports on football affairs when requested by the Chairperson, and will perform the role of official player representative to the Committee. The Football Manager will select his or her own assistants and line manage them accordingly.
The role of the Secretary is to ensure the smooth running of all administrative duties. This includes maintaining a membership database, calling the AGM and EGM as necessary, communications between supporters, players and the Committee, minutes during meetings and other administrative matters. The Secretary will line manage the Press and Marketing Officer and the Welfare Officer and Social Secretary.
This includes collecting subscriptions, developing a financial strategy, receipts for expenditure, and keeping full records of all financial dealing in the Club Ledger. At the end of the season, they will be responsible for preparing and submitting the Club statement of accounts to the AGM. The Treasurer is also the only required co-signatory on the club chequebook; no cheques can be signed without the Treasurer as co-signatory. The Treasurer will line-manage the Finance and Fundraising Secretary.
Press and Marketing Officer
The Press and Marketing Officer will be responsible for the maintenance of the website, including keeping it up to date with new information, as well as encouraging it’s use by training members how to use it, development and issue of press releases, the production of flyers and other promotional materials, the production of posters and display material, and helping to promote official Club events. The Press and Marketing officer will also develop new links within the community to further develop the Club’s reach.
Welfare Officer
The Welfare Officer will have the responsibility to offer advice and support to people who have an issue relating to their membership (for example, disputes, complaints, and suggestions). The post will also involve signposting members to specialist services if they have an issue of a personal nature (for example, counselling, mental health services, alcohol & drug support, and LGBT services). In addition to practical advice and support the role will also involve liaising with other teams at match days to ensure that they are satisfied with our member’s behaviour, and any issues are dealt with in a timely manner. This will ensure that good relationships between the teams are formed. The post holder will also be expected to actively seek ways of ensuring harmony amongst members (for example, defusing contentious issues and/or disputes, amongst the membership). This may involve intervention and managing crisis situations. The post will also require the Welfare secretary to be responsible for taking an active role in disciplinary policies and procedures. Finally the post holder will need to ensure the memberships health and well being are cared for (for example, managing risk where possible, and maintaining the first aid equipment).
Finance and Fundraising Officer
This role will be responsible for sourcing sponsorship and funding for the Club outside that already secured by the Chairperson and General Manager, organising and coordinating fundraising events with key partners, and assisting the Treasurer with the administrative side of their duties. Social Secretary The Social Secretary will be responsible for the creation of and management of official Club events, to promote the Club’s social aspect. This does not include Club Fundraisers. The Social Secretary will also ensure that social events are varied and inclusive to ensure that the social needs of all members are catered for and is to make guest teams feel welcome at home games, during and after matches.